MEAN Hackaton

1 minute read

Since I did the MongoDB course I got involved in organizing a Hackaton in the MEAN stack.

What the hell is MEAN?

MEAN is an opinionated fullstack javascript framework which simplifies and accelerates web application development.

  • M stands for MongoDB
  • E stands for express - minimal and flexible node.js web application framework
  • A stands for Angular.js - lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.
  • N stands for Node.js - a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications

As you see it covers everything, database, server and web. It let’s you do decent web apps in a short time.


The people got divided in teams of three and after a brief introduction of the MEAN stack (20 minutes per technology) they had literally one day and a half to make something cool.

People got really engaged and didn’t even want to make breaks. We, the MEAN “experts”, were giving support to the teams during all the coding and gave an example application of a library so they could get the basic structure to start.

We were really surprised by the results and the winning team made a really interesting app. It was difficult to believe they did it in such a short period of time.

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